Same Day Shipping

Benefits of Offering Same Day Shipping

There are many benefits to offering same day shipping, the biggest one being - it keeps your customers happy! If a customer is notified that their order has been processed and shipped on the same day that they purchased, then it's bound to put a smile on their face! Nobody wants to wait around for their orders to be sent out, especially if they know that their items are just sitting around in a warehouse waiting to be processed.

It is also beneficial for you, the business, to offer same day shipping as it can help you become more organized and deal with your orders immediately, so you never fall behind.

We can help you get your orders out on time and show you the fastest shipping options available to you so you can quickly access the most suitable delivery service. Depending on when an order is placed and processed, you may even be able to offer a same-day delivery option if you act fast enough.

Three reason why we offer Same day Shipping 

  • 27% of consumers in the US hope to receive their order by the next working day
  • Same day shipping is possible if you plan ahead and keep on top of your orders
  • Easyship can help you find the fastest delivery options to get your orders sent as soon as possible